01 March 2012

Well.. kinda hurt, but i don't feel like writing more. haha. hmm..

if i never told you i won't be brain washed easily, i think i wouldn't have known what you were thinking..

kinda felt betrayed.. but i know its not even close to it. haha..

can't deny you are selfish about breaking my heart first before i break yours. the problem is, i never intend to break yours. it will be so funny if this happens.

i thought i clearly told you that you are the one i love, so many times, not sure whether you had it in mind. 我以为自己已经付出够多来让你了解我是值得爱的。。。当然啦,是我自己要付出的,没错。我傻咯。

yeap, i will forget bout it after some time la, just wanna release it out..