okay, i think i should start off from primary?
Was in 6Y, so i had 3 best friends, Kylin, YongYing and Emily.
p/s: Pei Ning, you always were!! just that we don't quarrel. XD haha~
okay, something happened and we end up apart, well come to think of it i think it was my fault haha, so we stayed broken this way for 5 years. I always regret that i didnt keep in touch with them, well and i feel awkward too cause i don't know what do they think about me since then. =/ so, well yongying went new zealand, emily dunno went where sia, haha, and...
Yee Wen tagged 6Y's photo and brought us back together, i mean the whole 6Y class. it's funny to see how they talked about lee lao shi, and talk about how ppl changed, LOL, and guess what i saw KYLIN!! XD well, not saw, i mean 'saw' in FB. XD
yeah, and!! guess what, we sorted things out! OMG so cool, i never really dreamed about it, it was a BONUS in my life!! =D so happy! well well, =) hope this time is best friend forever! i don't mind we weren't friends when we graduated during primary, cause now we are~ =)
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