刚刚翻开那个学校的school academic calender, 上面写着明年2010年一月开学,我突然觉得好寂寞。因为,明年,我就不用再上学了。上了那么多年的课,明年竟然不用再早早起身,不用再赶巴士,不用再烦恼朋友们会不会今天又不来上课,这么多不用,还真不习惯。不止是不习惯,我还会觉得,寂寞和伤心。想想,中学生涯,真的好精彩。人生的大部分,好像都留在了中学。我不理大学有多好玩啦,我只知道,中学的记忆,肯定还会留在脑海里,直到永远。
I was flipping through the yellow coloured school academic calender when my mum asked me about the school holidays. And there i saw, 2010 Jan, school reopen. I felt.. so not used to it, cause next year, i don't need to go to school, anymore! Its like you hoped for it for the past few years, you hope that you don't have to wake up early in the morning anymore, wished that you could ponteng school and stay at home so that you can accompany your comp more. But when the time really comes, you'd think, how i wished i won't graduate! Secondary school life is the best, that's what we said. And yea its true, even my parents said so. Well... at least the memories are still there. XD
Mangosix Coffee & Dessert @ The Cube Puchong
8 years ago
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